Year 6 Transition
This page is for current year 6 students and their parents/carers.
Welcome to Orchard! We are really looking forward to welcoming you in September.
Transition Days
This is a welcome event for Year 6 students who are joining us at Orchard in September. You will be our new Year 7s and we can't wait to welcome you!
The Transition Day date is available in our diary page: Calendar (News menu tab)
Full details will be provided by email or is available on our Communications Page
We will run a parent information session on the afternoon/evening of our transition day where we will share some key information about starting at Orchard School.
We encourage you to read the pages below and watch the videos, but of course, you may still have questions for us after this.
Please be assured that there is no such thing as a ‘silly question’!
We understand that moving from primary school up to secondary school is a big and exciting change. Please just ask a parent/carer to get in touch with us for any queries, no matter how small:
Tel: 0117 377 2000
Transition Event Videos
Meet a parent
A current Orchard parent, Zoe, offers some helpful advice for supporting your child in starting secondary school.
Welcoming students in September 2024
We are looking forward to welcoming our new Year 7 students into Orchard in September. We’re thrilled that you have chosen Orchard and we think that you’ll be very happy here, as well as being successful. We can't wait to get to know you! You will be able to find out more about starting at Orchard on these pages.
We understand that starting secondary school is a big step. You might be feeling worried, anxious, excited – or all of those feelings and more! We have a team of people who are here to make you feel welcome and safe.
Please don’t worry - we are here to fully support you. We will be using this page on our website, as well as videos and packs in the post, to make your transition to Orchard as smooth and easy as we can.
There is no doubt that you and your family will have many questions about starting at Orchard. We are contacting all of the Year 6 families to answer your questions, and to welcome you to Orchard and reassure you.
Keep an eye on this website for forthcoming information. We will update it through the year.
We are very excited to meet you!
Advice for new students (all you need to know) from current students
We think that you must have lots of questions about starting secondary school!
Here are some answers to some of the ones we usually get asked by students.
Will we go to different classrooms for lessons or do our teachers come to us?
At Orchard, and most secondary schools, students move to a different room for each lesson.
Orchard looks so big! How will I know where to go?
On your first day at Orchard, you’ll be given a timetable. This timetable will tell you what subject you have at each time, the room number, and the initials of your teacher. As part of your first morning at Orchard, your tutor will spend time helping you to understand your timetable.
We will also take you on a tour of the building and show you how the room numbers work. It’s very simple!
L = Lower floor
G = Ground floor
F = First floor
Each room also has a number on it and the rooms go in order. So, ‘G3’ is on the ground floor and it’s the third room along.
It will all make sense once you get to us. You’ll know your way around the building better than anybody in a few weeks!
Will I get in trouble if I get lost?
No. We will show you strategies to help you find your way so we’re really confident that you will know your way around Orchard really soon!
You will notice that the teachers at Orchard stand at the classroom doors during each lesson changeover. There is always an adult nearby if you can’t find your way.
We will also encourage you to ask the older Orchard students if you’re lost. They will always be willing to help you – and one day, you’ll be one of the older ones who is helping the new Year 7 students!
Of course, you’ll know from our behaviour guidelines that you are not allowed to be late to lessons, but this doesn’t apply to our new Year 7 students in the first few weeks. We want you to feel safe, welcome and happy at school.
Is the work really hard compared to primary school?
Do you remember moving from Year 4 into Year 5, or from Year 5 into Year 6? We think the step-up into Year 7 is similar. Most of our students say that the work feels quite different, rather than too hard. We’ll be teaching you to undertake independent research and to think in different ways about interesting and challenging topics. We will help you with this every step of the way!
We know from your current primary schools, that you are capable of some excellent, high-quality work. We will have the same expectations as we know you can succeed.
I’m really worried about not knowing anything about the new subjects at secondary school. I’ve not studied French or Spanish before!
We know that some of you won’t have studied the same subjects at primary school as you will at secondary school. Your lessons will be planned by expert teachers who understand your starting points. This applies to learning new languages and getting in the science lab! It’s an exciting time for you and we are very clear that some of you are starting from scratch in some subjects.
What about SATs?
SATs results are just one way that we get to understand what you’re good at! We would never make any big decisions based on these alone.
We hear from all of your primary school teachers about your strengths and how you work best.
We will also run some straightforward assessments early in Year 7 to see how you’re getting on. We do these every year and they give us a great picture of where you might need more help and what you’re really good at. We’ll give you plenty of notice about these and help you to understand what they will involve.
What clubs are there at Orchard?
The short answer is – ‘loads’!
As well as sports teams and lunchtime clubs, we also offer enrichment every week as part of the school day. We will be asking you to choose your first enrichment soon so look out for that announcement!
Prospective Parents
If you're a parent of a young person who is about to join us at Orchard, then we're sure that you will have questions too.
What do I need to do before my child starts at Orchard?
Please complete the Student Admission Form which is sent to you.
Please make sure you have purchased the correct uniform and sports kit.
What will my child need for their first day?
The first day will start at the normal time, however we recommend arriving 5-10 minutes earlier to meet key staff members. Only Year 7 and 11 are in school on the first day allowing Year 7 students to have a calm, quiet start to secondary school with plenty of staff available to help and support if needed. All pupils will spend the first few lessons with their tutor, at this time they will be provided with timetables and tutors will ensure they understand the timetable and know the direction of the day’s lessons. Pupils will have fingerprints loaded up ready for buying food/drink at break and lunch time on our biometric system.
Please bring a good school bag to carry a PE kit and stationery.
Ensure your child and yourself know the travel plan and timings that your child will come home. We encourage students to travel by bus, bike or foot where possible. Parents are able to meet students at the end of the school day.
My child wants to be in the same tutor group as their friend. Is this possible?
House and tutor groups are allocated depending on the whole year group and individual children’s needs. We always take into account any requests but cannot guarantee the same house.
It is worth remembering that tutor groups are not taught together. They see each other in the morning and afternoon, but all the lessons in between are in different groups. It is possible that your child could end up in the same tutor group as a friend, but then not be in the same lessons – or vice versa!
We will, of course, listen to your requests but we can’t make any guarantees about this.
Just like life at primary school, students wear uniform at Orchard School. Please look at our Uniform page to see what to wear and where to buy it.
What rewards system do you have in place?
As part of our Ready to Learn (RTL) behaviour system, we have introduced RTL Rewards where our students are recognised and celebrated for outstanding behaviour in the classroom. When students exceed expectations in the classroom, they receive a '1' on the school system – which we now call a ‘House Point’. The more House Points a student receives, the more points they accumulate to redeem special prizes. Students who have received the most House Points in each house are also recognised on our 'Star of the Fortnight' board in our school corridor. We also hold termly house assemblies where students receive certificates and prizes for high attendance and good behaviour, and regular rewards trips which our students thoroughly look forward to.
Students receive House Points for the living the Orchard Values. This could include: independent learning, teamwork, great questioning, caring for others, helping staff, resilience, high quality work, sustained improvement, responding positively to feedback, showing initiative, representing school, and linking learning.
What extra-curricular activities will be on offer to my child?
Currently all students from Years 7-9 take part in Enrichment Lessons and have been able to take part in a wide range of activities including fencing, boxing, debating, drama, comic book club, sport, yoga to name a few. Students can suggest activities and if they are popular we endeavour to run them. You can click here to see our current selection of enrichment opportunities.
In addition, students are able to take part in a wide variety of sporting activities during lunch times and after school, including sporting fixtures and the Stages dance competition.
Students from Year 9 can participate in the Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award Schemes. All students are eligible for participation.
What happens if my child is bullied?
At Orchard, we take bullying very seriously and there is a comprehensive reporting system which records any incidents and informs relevant members of staff. The pastoral team always deal with any cases of bullying swiftly and uses the restorative justice approach to resolve matters effectively.
We have a fantastic pastoral team who know the students well. We communicate effectively with our students and families to make sure that issues of bullying are truly resolved.
You make have seen our ‘Whisper’ button on our homepage. This button is for students to report any incidents (of bullying or anything else that concerns them) to our staff. This can be done anonymously or openly.
How will my child be assessed during their first few years at Orchard School Bristol?
We usually use the national SATS tests from Year 6 to help us understand what your child is good at and where they may need a little more support. We couple this with further comments from your child's Year 6 teacher and any other adults who were able to give us guidance.
On their arrival at Orchard. they will also have some assessments to help us get more detail. Students will have a GL Assessment. This is a baseline assessment for secondary school students aged 11-14, designed to measure student aptitude for, and attitude to, learning. GL Assessments assess students in key cognitive areas which research shows are linked to later academic outcomes. The assessment comprises four separate, timed modules, always following the same order of vocabulary, mathematics, non-verbal and skills.
Students will also take a few other tests, including a reading test which has been designed to drill down into pupil’s reading and comprehension skills. This will allow us to see where a student needs literacy support and we can plan their learning accordingly. Each subject may also ask students to undertake a baseline test so they have robust information that tells them what a student knows or can do at the beginning of Year 7. Lessons and adapted following this and future assessments can be tracked to see if progress has been made.
How will I be able to support my child with homework?
You can support your child by checking what homework they have been given and the deadline it is due by on the school’s homework system. You can establish with them a routine at home for completing homework perhaps doing some each day before they play games or go out. You could also ensure they have a quiet space in which to work, the equipment they need and then check how they are getting on. Ask them if you can help and if they are struggling refer them to either (a) homework club which is on every day in the library or (b) their class teacher well in advance of the deadline. If you would like your child to do additional study then we always recommend reading to and with your child – both fiction and non-fiction on a regular basis. Just 20 minutes reading a day will boost their knowledge and vocabulary no end!
What sports opportunities will be on offer to my child?
We offer a range of sports which are available to boys and girls. Your child will be given a list of the different sports they will learn each term, so you know what to expect.
What drama opportunities will be on offer to my child?
Your child will have a drama lesson every week in Year 7 and 8, and then a double lesson in Year 9. The English department incorporate drama activities into their lessons, whether it be recreating a storm in Macbeth or becoming fantasy creatures from the novel Northern Lights. We teach Drama GCSE, have an annual whole school performance, as well as numerous opportunities to take part in drama enrichment activities and after school clubs.
What music opportunities will be on offer to my child?
We encourage all instrumental players to continue lessons with their previous teacher. If the teacher works through Bristol Plays Music we will contact them directly.
The music practice rooms are bookable during lunch and break times for independent practise. We have a range of opportunities throughout the school year for students to perform in front of audiences. We encourage student to join the local orchestras run by Bristol Plays Music.
During enrichment we offer a range of musical opportunities, which in the past have included singing, music technology, samba band and guitar lessons.
Communication with School
Email is our main method of communication with parents. You will need an email address that you can access regularly to pick up key information.
This includes letters, newsletters, information on trips, parents evenings/reports and other events. Please ensure the school always has your current email address to ensure you receive all communications.
If at a particular time you are unable to access email, we can create a paper copy of letters available at Student Reception for your child to collect and bring home to you, until you can access your emails again.
If you need any help setting up an email address, please just ask at Reception. We also have a Parent App for which you will receive details. This will show you basic information about house points, behaviour points and your child's timetable.
Who is my first point of contact?
For general questions - phone our Reception on 0117 377 2000 or email
For absences, please contact our Absence Line on 0117 377 2021
Once September arrives, you will be able to make direct contact with your child's tutor. Your child's tutor can be contacted about your child's learning, and about uniform, equipment, friendships, wellbeing, rewards and sanctions. All tutor email addresses can be found on our website here and are updated annually at the end of August. Please note that tutors teach during the day, and normally only have time at the end of the school day to pick up emails.
Staff are very busy during the school day, but will always make every effort to answer your questions as soon as possible. If a matter is not urgent, please email your enquiry. We cannot guarantee a member of staff will be available if you turn up at Reception without an appointment. We recommend calling first to arrange a time to meet to avoid disappointment. You can find more information about making appointments here: Making Appointments (Parents & Carers menu tab)
Heads of Year and Tutors
If there are any questions about progress, learning, lessons, or other issues related to your child's studies which cannot be answered by your child's tutor, the Head of Year is your next contact.
If you concern is about pastoral concerns, safeguarding, friendships, or any other issues related to welfare and wellbeing which cannot be answered by your child's tutor, then the Pastoral Manager is your next contact.
To contact the Year 7 team before September please email
Information on the Year 7 team can be found here: Heads of Year and Tutor Teams (Parents & Carers menu tab)
You child is allocated to a House, and each House has a different coloured tie: red, yellow, green or blue. Information on our school Houses can be found here: Houses (Our School menu tab). We will tell you which House you child has been allocated to.
There are four House Champions too, who are responsible for House competitions. We have many competitions running throughout the year. There is something for everybody; last year's competitions included sport, reading, writing, and even gaming!
School Calendar
The school calendar can be found here: Calendar (News menu tab)
Attendance and punctuality
We have high expectations of all our students. Punctuality is important. We expect students to arrive at school on time, read to learn, everyday.
Every Day Counts
We expect students to attend everyday. We track attendance very carefully and follow up on every absence.
If students are feeling 'under the weather' they can still attend school. Please head to the Attendance & Absence (Parents & Carers menu tab) page on this website where you can read our latest "Illness and school" leaflet. This contains the latest updates on our attendance measures.
90% attendance sounds good, but it's not good enough. It means missing half a day of school every single week. Did you realise that only 90% attendance over 5 years at Orchard School adds up to missing half a year of school in total?
We expect students to attend 96% of the time or more. Evidence shows that at 96% attendance, students are twice as likely to meet their goals and have the best chance of academic success.
Students who are persistently absent are at severe risk of under achievement, with parents being at risk of receiving penalty notices (monetary fines) or facing court action.
If for any reasons your child is absent, you need to call the absence line on 0117 377 2021. If we have not received a call, we will call home to find out why your child is absent. You must call in every day your child is absent.
School Uniform
The full uniform code can be found here: Uniform (Parents & Carers menu tab) and aims to:
- Help students feel equal to others and not left out – there is no hierarchy of who has the best trainers, or the most fashionable jeans for example.
- Encourage students to wear their uniform with pride
- Create a sense of belonging to the school community through a common dress code
- Enable students to feel that they are a valued member of the school community irrespective of ethnicity, gender, religion or socio-economic background
A high standard of personal appearance is expected. Uniform should be smart, clean and well maintained. All items of clothing and equipment should be clearly marked with the owner's name.
All pupils are expected to confirm to the requirements and can expect to be challenged by staff if they are not wearing the correct uniform. Students must wear the correct uniform properly at all times. This includes to and from school, the playgrounds, corridors and classrooms.
Adherence to the uniform code.
If for any reason a student cannot be in the correct uniform, parents/carers should write a note explaining the reason and when the uniform will be rectified. Students will be given a single pass for one occasion per term, and where possible, will be provided with uniform to borrow for that day.
If a student arrives at school with the incorrect uniform and no reason, then they may be sent home to change, and parents will be contacted.
Students who persist in wearing items that are not allowed, or students who will not remove items, will be deemed not ready to learn and their parent/carer will be contacted. Regular wearing of non-uniform items will be treated as defiance and could lead to exclusion.
The school cannot be held liable for theft or accidental damage of personal items or items of sentimental value. The school takes no responsibility for items which should not have been brought into, and are subsequently lost or stolen. However, once confiscated, the school and its staff are responsible for ensuring its safety.
We appreciate the support given by parents in adhering to the uniform policy. We hope that by working together, we will create a smart and appropriate environment at Orchard School.
Purchasing Uniform/Kit
Uniform cannot be purchased directly from the school. Please see Uniform (Parents & Carers menu tab) for up to date information about where to purchase uniform.
Some supermarkets sell inappropriate trousers/skirts as "school uniform." Please be reminded that we set our uniform code, not the supermarkets. If there is any doubt about whether a particular item is acceptable, parents should check with the school before purchasing.
Planners and equipment
Keeping Organised
We want to support all of our students to becomes responsible and organised adults. Students will be given a planner to record their homework and any messages. Please do ask to see your child's planner everyday, so you can see what homework they have, the deadlines for homework, and any messages. You can write a message in their planner for a tutor, a teacher or for the Year team.
Equipment to bring to school
Our most important tip is to remind your child to pack their bag for school the night before.
The equipment students must bring with them everyday includes:
- School bag, a rucksack with two straps suitable for carrying exercise books, textbooks, a reading book and equipment. We do not permit handbags.
- Planner
- Pencil case containing two black/blue writing pens, red pen, pencil, rubber, ruler.
- Scientific calculator Casio FX-83GT PLUS. It is essential that students purchase this calculator, as the Maths teachers will only teach how to use this calculator's functions over the next 5 years in preparation for GCSE.
- Locker key
Optional equipment: Protractor and compasses
Banned items
Mobile phones, iPods/MP3 players and fidget toys/spinners are not allowed in school. Fizzy drinks are also not allowed. These items will be confiscated if seen in school and returned at the end of the school day if a first time offense. Students are responsible for all items. The school cannot be held liable for theft or accidental damage of personal items or items of sentimental value.
Payments, parents evening and behaviour
Payments including lunch money
Orchard is a cashless school. All payments for school lunches, trips and resources are processed through Parent Pay. Students use their fingerprint to access the money for lunches. For any students in receipt of free school meals, they also 'pay' with their fingerprint.
You will receive a letter and instructions on how to set up your Parent Pay account. Please ensure you have set this up as soon as you can, so you can have money loaded to enable them to pay for school lunches if necessary.
More information on payments and Parent Pay can be found here: Online Payments (Parents & Carers menu tab)
Parents Evenings
In Year 7 you will have two parents evenings: one in term 1 with your child's tutor to see how they have settled in and a second evening later in the year with the subject teachers to get an understanding of their progress.
We will publish the parents evening dates on the school calendar Calendar (News menu tab) and will remind you of these dates via school newsletter or letters via email. Parents evening appointments are booked online and more information can be found here: Parent Zone (Parents & Carers menu tab) and can be booked using our Quick Links to the left of this page.
We believe that our students have a right to learn without disruption and that all students should be on time and Ready to Learn. More information can be found here: Behaviour Expectations & Commitment to Achievement (Parents & Carers menu tab)
Why is homework important?
Homework teaches students to work independently and develop self-discipline. It encourages students to take initiative and responsibility for completing a task to a high standard. When completed well, homework can progress your child's learning by up to five months.
The homework that is set at Orchard School will fit into one of four themes:
- flipped learning, the learning of key facts before the lesson
- project based learning, a task to be completed over an extended period of time
- revision, use of the revision techniques to recall and consolidate learning
- creative response, a task where you are asked to present your work creatively
More information can be found here: Home Learning (Curriculum menu tab)
Commitment to Achievement
Our commitment to achieve is a joint promise that we will all work together to support your child to succeed. It can be found here: on our Behaviour Expectations & Commitment to Achievement (Parents & Carers menu tab)
Student Leadership
We want all of our students to be leaders. We believe you are all capable of leading and influencing others positively. We are not born leaders but we can all grow the skills we need to lead others. Leadership helps you in many ways: building confidence; taking responsibility; thinking and acting quickly when needed; clarifying your ideas and opinions; listening really well to other people; speaking clearly and appropriately, sometimes one-to-one, sometimes in small groups, sometimes to an assembly/large group; representing others' views and opinions; being a role model and earning respect; motivating and encouraging people to do the right thing; being selfless - its about what is right for everyone, not just yourself; time management; teamwork; organisation skills; resilience; learning quickly and being authentic - knowing who you are, being real.
More information on Student Leadership can be found here: Student Leadership (Our School menu tab)
Frequently Asked Questions
What if........
I don't feel well when I wake up | Come into school unless you have actually been sick and feel very poorly. Often you feel better once you get into school. If you are really unwell at school, we can send you home. |
I'm too ill to attend school | Get your parent to notify the school before 8:30am on every day that you are absent, using the student absence line. Catch up on all work missed, and make sure you find out about homework and complete this on time. |
I arrive late to school | Sign in at reception, and then go straight to your lesson. |
I have a dental or medical appointment | Always try and make routine dental/medical appointments after school or in the holidays. If you can't, make sure they are in the afternoon. You must ask your parent/carer to write it in your planner. |
My shoes broke this morning | Come into school and wear alternative shoes for the day. You will need to get a uniform pass from your Year Team. It is your responsibility to notice when your shoes are starting to get too old. |
I have lost something | Lost property is kept at reception and can be checked at break time. Remember to mark all your property with your name. |
I don't understand the homework | See your subject teacher or another person in your class. You can email them if you are struggling. It is better they know you are struggling in advance, than telling them on the day the homework is due in. |
I have forgotten to bring something in | Explain this to your subject teacher at the start of the lesson. |
I get something confiscated | Ask the teacher who confiscated the item where it can be collected and what the conditions are. Confiscated phones are to be picked up from reception; other items from the teacher who confiscated the item. |
I'm really unhappy | Tell your tutor; they might be able to make it better or be able to offer help and support. |
I have forgotten my packed lunch, or I haven't got lunch money on Parent Pay | Always have some money on your account in case you forget lunch. Talk to your Pastoral Manager as soon as possible; we don't want you going without lunch. |
Video Link
Some of the members of the Orchard Parents' Forum have offered some advice on this video - they give a little bit of information about the school from a parent's perspective and also offer advice for new parents.
Transition Support for Students with ASD
Bristol City Council have produced transition support materials for students with Autism, and students who have ASD. This pack was produced by SENDCos and parents across the city. As the Bristol Autism Spectrum Service team are unable to do face-to-face contact and support, all planning meetings will be held virtually. The information is given in their pack, which you can find here.
Anna Freud Centre - Transition to secondary school - Parent_Carer booklet
BBC - Transitioning to secondary school - BBC Teach
Place2Be - Transition to secondary school – Place2Be
Compass - SecondarySchool_TransitionBooklet_Compass.pdf (
BBC Bitesize – Starting Secondary School - Starting secondary school - BBC Parents' Toolkit - BBC Bitesize