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Learning Support

Our Learning Support Team of staff are dedicated to ensuring every student can access the curriculum and be supported to become successful, independent learners.

The team support in the following ways:

  • Reading interventions 
  • Numeracy interventions
  • Writing support, including handwriting support
  • Speech and Language therapy
  • Practical support in managing dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia 

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

We welcome students from all over the world into our diverse school community.  They bring literacy in their first language, their educational and life experiences and cultural diversity, which we celebrate.  There is a whole-school approach to working with new arrivals, and both pastoral and teaching staff strive to ensure that cultural, linguistic and academic needs are met and that the positive contribution these students can make is recognised and celebrated. Students come with different needs and different abilities in English language acquisition and each one of our young people is supported to reach their potential.