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Orchard School Bristol


A warm welcome!

Orchard School opened in a fantastic new building in 2008 to serve our local communities of Horfield and Southmead. We are a mixed 11-16 academy, with 925 students, and our school community reflects the richly diverse local area. We pride ourselves on our harmonious atmosphere and the care we show for each young person. We are over-subscribed, so we operate a waiting list for entry to year groups.

Orchard is a seriously good school (please take a look at our latest Ofsted report) and we are on an exciting trajectory to become the exceptional provision our community deserves.  

Our mission statement, “inspire today, empower for life” reflects how we approach our school life.  We want students to be inspired by their learning, to be enthused to learn independently and find their areas of brilliance – so they can go on to study further towards their chosen career.  We are ambitious for everyone – we expect the best from everyone and place no limits on our aspirations for our students.

 What will you find here?

  • A calm, purposeful environment with excellent student behaviour 
  • A bright, happy place in which to learn and work
  • Staff who know your child individually and really care about them
  • A broad curriculum, with opportunities to excel in academic subjects, in creative courses, performing arts and in sports
  • Strong communication with parents
  • Highly skilled and very well qualified teachers, many of whom are GCSE examiners
  • Enthusiastic students who are ambitious about their futures, and who are determined to achieve academic success
  • A warm and friendly staff body, research-informed, committed to professional development and exceptional teaching skills
  • A school which values partnership working to provide the best local, and global, experiences for our students

Our students feel that they belong to Orchard School – they appreciate that their tutors and their teachers know them well and will support them to meet the ambitious targets we set in their learning. They also understand that they have a voice and that they are actively involved in shaping the future of Orchard School, aided by staff who empower and enable them always to be heard.

We are proud of the academic results that our students have achieved, but we believe that the success we have as a school is much deeper than this. We offer an impressive number of personal development initiatives for our students underpinned by a strong enrichment offer with multiple opportunities for participation including educational visits, careers talks, student leadership, mentoring, public speaking, charity work, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, wellbeing, school performances, sports representation and many others, which are outlined in our student charter.

Thank you for your interest in the school. If you would like to find out more, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Ms Melanie Sweet


0117 377 2000
Email: info@orchard.tila.school