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Home Learning

Home Learning (Homework) 

Students receive some Home Learning for the majority of their subjects each week.  We have found that students benefit from home learning as this gives them the opportunity to consolidate their learning in school, practise questions, revise and prepare for the next lessons, assignments or assessments.  Home Learning also builds the very important skill of independence and helps students improve their resilience. When completed well, Home Learning can progress a child’s learning by up to five months (evidence from Education Endowment Foundation).   

 All Home Learning tasks should be recorded by the students in their planner. Teachers then set them Home Learning tasks on TEAMS, so they can add links and resources. Parents receive a weekly update email which lists the Home Learning set for their child that week. Students receive a house point for successful completion of Home Learning and after a first warning warning, are deducted a house point for failure to hand in consecutive pieces (two or more) and a 30 minute after school detention.

Tasks fit into one of the three  themes  below and are linked to what students are learning in lessons:  

  •  Flipped learning – learning key facts before the lesson, so that the learning can progress at a faster rate. 
  •  Retrieval quizzing – practising and recalling information that has been previously learnt.
  •  Revision – use of effective revision techniques to recall and consolidate learning

As a guide, your child should receive homework in line with the table below on a weekly basis.  We encourage parents to talk to their child regularly about home learning, and review their Planner with them to ensure they are using it accurately.  We suggest students record in their planners the date each homework is due to be completed and handed into their teacher, to help them organise their time most effectively. 

Year Group Allocated time per subject Number of Subjects
7 20 1 or 2 per evening
8 25 1 or 2 per evening
9 30 1 or 2 per evening
10 45 8 or 9 per week
11 60 8 or 9 per week

KS3 Homework (Years 7, 8 and 9)

Year 7


Day allocated Hand in of home learning
Art Tuesday week A First lesson after allocated day
Digital Media Thursday week B First lesson after allocated day
English Monday week A and B Monday week A and B
Languages Wednesday week A and B Wednesday week A and B
PE Monday week A Monday week A
Product Design / Food Wednesday week A First lesson after allocated day

 Year 8

Subject Day allocated  Hand in of home learning
Art Thursday week A First lesson after allocated day
Digital Media Wednesday week B First lesson after allocated day
English Monday week A and B Monday week A and B
Languages Friday week A and B Friday week A and B
PE Monday week A Monday week A
Product Design / Food Thursday week B First lesson after allocated day

 Year 9

Subject Day allocated  Hand in of home learning
Art Wednesday week B First lesson after allocated day
English Monday week A and B Monday week A and B
Languages Tuesday week A and B Tuesday week A and B
PE Monday week A Monday week A
Product Design / Food Wednesday week B First lesson after allocated day

Maths and Science are set and handed in weekly by their class teacher. The day will depend on when students have their lessons.

Drama, Music, Geography and History are set and handed in fortnightly by their class teacher. The day will depend on when students have their lessons.

RE is set at the beginning of term, with one short piece due each lesson.

Key Stage 4 Home Learning (Years 10 and 11)

Year 10

Subject Day allocated Hand in of home learning
3D Design Thursday week B Thursday week B
Art Tuesday week A Thursday week A
Classical Civilization Wednesday week A and B Wednesday week A and B
English Friday week A and B Friday week A and B
Health and Social Care Monday week A, Tuesday week B Monday week A, Tuesday week B
Hospitality and Catering Thursday week A Thursday week A
Graphics Tuesday week B Thursday week B
Languages Monday week A and B Monday week A
Music Wednesday week A, Monday week B Wednesday week A, Monday week B

Drama, Maths, Science, Geography, History and RE are set and handed in weekly by their class teacher. The day will depend on when students have their lessons.

Year 11

Subject Day allocated Hand in of home learning
3D Design Wednesday week A Wednesday week A
Art Wednesday week B Tuesday week A
Classical Civilization Friday week A and B Friday week A and B
English  Friday week A and B Friday week A and B
Health and Social Care Wednesday week A, Thursday week B Wednesday week A, Thursday week B
Hospitality and Catering Wednesday week B Wednesday week B
Graphics Monday week A Tuesday week B
Languages Thursday week A and B Thursday week A and B
Music Tuesday week A and B Tuesday week A and B

 Drama, Maths, Science, Geography, History and RE are set and handed in weekly by their class teacher. The day will depend on when students have their lessons.

To support your child, please check the Home Learning recorded in his/her student planner and on Teams with the information you receive via a weekly email. 

Supporting with Homework 

Your support is invaluable. You can help support your child effectively in the following ways: 

 Create a quiet and comfortable place to study. 

  • Find a routine for when to do Home Learning (not last minute).
  • Make it positive! Ask them about how they are doing. Praising the effort and process, as well as the successful completion of Home Learning, is crucial to support long-term motivation.
  • Let them make mistakes. Forgetting and struggling is an important part of embedding learning into long-term memory, therefore please do not do their Home Learning for them and do not let them get distressed about Home Learning activities.  If you have any concerns about your child’s Home Learning, please contact their tutor. 

Missing homework should never become a regular event. Please be aware that children can be very good at finding excuses that may well be true true, yet if you hear the same excuse regularly you may wish to question them!

Feedback and Marking expectations 

Marking and Feedback

Our feedback approach is tailored to the curriculum needs of each faculty. This is so that each faculty can provide appropriate feedback to enable our students to make progress.

All teachers give regular feedback, either written or verbal, in every lesson, as well as facilitating regular peer- and self- assessment.

In addition to this, the faculty approaches are as follows:


Approach to Feedback and Frequency


At least two pieces of written feedback per term. Typically, in English, this would include at least one response to a longer piece of writing. In Latin students do one assessed piece of work per term. In our Philosophy for Children course feedback is predominantly verbal and students write a small reflection at the end of most lessons.


At least two pieces of written feedback per term. Typically, in Maths, this would be a DIRT task in response to a recent assessment or homework in Years 7-10. Yr 11 have a lesson dedicated every two weeks to feedback by doing a walking talking mock with their practice papers.


At least two pieces of written feedback per term. Typically, in Science, this would be written feedback after an end-of-unit assessment, or marking of an identified piece of work in books.


At KS3 in all subjects, one piece of written feedback per term.  At KS4, written feedback is given and ADT trackers are completed by the teacher twice a term, fortnightly in Food lessons.


At KS3, one piece of written feedback per term in each of History, Geography, and RE. There is no book marking in PSHE. In ‘Grow’ feedback is ongoing, students receiving individual verbal feedback 1:1 at least fortnightly. At KS4 at least two pieces of feedback are assessed per subject per term.


In MFL, the majority of assessment is peer- or self-assessed. Teacher feedback is frequent and on an individual level. In addition to this, feedback from the teacher would typically include two formal pieces of whole-class feedback per term in KS4 and one piece of whole-class feedback per term in KS3.

Performing Arts

At least two pieces of assessed work, either through written teacher comments or video feedback, in KS4, per term.

One piece of assessed work, either through written teacher comments or video feedback, in KS3, per term.

Sport and Health

At KS4, regular green-pen feedback from teachers, depending on the assignment or coursework being completed. KS3 homework is to review knowledge and progress, most frequently quizzes.

Homework Club

Homework club is available every day after school.  It takes place in the school library, 2.50 - 3.55pm.  It is open to all year groups and there is access to laptops.  There are also members of staff on duty to support students as required. 

Students are also able to use the library during break times and lunchtimes wherever possible.

Digital Learning

Homework Quizzing

Programme (click on picture to navigate to homepage)





All subjects

Microsoft Teams is the central hub used for online homework resources.  Your child will receive links to quizzes through teams.  They may also receive homework direct on here.





Quizzes are designed for the appropriate content your child is studying. The quizzes are designed to help your child learn and correct their mistakes.




All subjects

Your child will receive quizzes to help improve subject specific vocabulary.


Your child will also receive low stakes quizzes to support learning in many different subjects.



Quizzes and learning resources for the Maths department.



Quizzes and learning resources for Combined and Separate Sciences at GCSE.

Students have been provided with log in details for all of the platforms relevant to them.