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Orchard School Bristol

  • 29 November 2024 - Letter to parents


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    Dear Parents and Carers,

    I hope that you have had a great week. We’ve had the first Year 11 speaking mock examinations this week in our Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) faculty and students have conducted themselves well. The Senior Leadership Team also heard from our Head Students who had great ideas about reward schemes and sustainability for us to consider. Additionally, we took part in a basketball tournament this week, as well as a bike making workshop, supported by Mr Tucker in the CLC, and the U16s rugby final is today!

    On the note of rewards, our new Year 11 reward scheme, which sees them earn points towards various activities such as money off Prom, or leavers’ hoody discounts, linked to basics such as completing revision, is really exciting. Mr Naseem has written home about this, so please do encourage your child to take part.

    Key Dates 

    Year 11 Exams Prep Information Evening – Wednesday 26th March 6.15 – 7.45pm

    Wednesday 11 December – Festive Lunch


    Parent Subject Consultation Evenings 

    The dates for these through the year are as follows: 

    Year 7 Parent Subject Consultation Evening – Thursday 3rd April 3.30 – 7pm 

    Year 8 Parent Subject Consultation Evening – Thursday 5th December 3.30 – 7pm  

    Year 9 Parent Subject Consultation Evening – Thursday 6th March 3.30 – 7pm 

    Year 11 Parent Subject Consultation Evening – Thursday 13th February 3.30 – 7pm 

    Please also note the following date: 

    Year 9 Options Evening – Thursday 27th February 5 – 7pm 

    To help parents and children decide together which options subjects/GCSEs they might choose to take over the next two years in school.


    Last Day of Term

    The last day of term this year is Friday 20th December. Children will have morning lessons, time with their tutor group and an assembly before leaving school in staggered timings around lunchtime. Year 11s will leave first, and Year 7s last, by 12.35pm - please note the earlier finish time. Christmas jumpers or own clothes, for those who may not want to wear a Christmas jumper, may be worn on the last day of term.

    Teaching and Learning

    We have been focusing on ‘adaptive practice’ in our staff training this week, particularly for students for whom English is an Additional Language. An example of the things we offer to these students are iPads, which can scan and translate text into the home language of the students.


    Congratulations to the following tutor groups for having the best attendance in each year group this week!

    7A1,8W2, 9A2, 10D1, 11D2

    Friday 22nd attendance winners were:

    7W2, 8W2, 9A2, 10W2, 11A1,

    Year 7 – Overall best attending year group

    Wisley (new House winner!)- Overall best attending House


     Year 11 Mocks – Mental Health Support

    We understand that the mock period can be an anxious one for students. We are therefore putting on assemblies and tutor time sessions in supporting students to cope. This also includes drop-in sessions with ‘The Grove’ on a Monday afternoon during tutor time where students can receive help and support, including coping strategies, with our SEMH team.


    Information on Fostering from Bristol City Council

    Bristol City Council care for around 800 children in Bristol who come from a range of backgrounds and cultures. A national shortage of foster carers means we are struggling to find enough carers who can reflect all of our children’s backgrounds.

    We need more people to come forward, from all walks of life, so that children have a choice of families to meet their needs within Bristol and the surrounding area. We’d like more of our children to stay close to family and friends and continue at their own school.

    What you need to be a foster carer:

    - Over 21 years old

    - Have a spare room

    - Time to care for a child

    - Patience and understanding

    Find out more about fostering in Bristol, please see the attached flyer, or visit our website: www.bristol.gov.uk/foster-with-bristol-city-council. Email us at fostering@bristol.gov.uk or ring us on 0117 353 4200 if you have any questions or if you’d like an informal chat about fostering.


    Faulty Sensors

    I wrote to you previously to notify you that we have experienced an issue with the sensors in the new wing toilets. Please note that we are locking the new wing downstairs toilets for now, whilst this is investigated further, to avoid any further disruption to learning because of sensors activating the fire alarm. There are many other toilets open and available for student use on the site, so please be assured that this is the case, should your children discuss this with you.


    Staffing Update

    We are delighted to have appointed Mr Scott-Mullen as our Deputy SENDCo from January. Mr Scott-Mullen knows our students very well, and has previously been a SENDCo. He will work alongside Ms Alderson and Ms Moore, our wonderful HLTA, in leading and enhancing SEND provision for our school. Ms Alderson is writing separately to parents and carers to let them know about opportunities to meet with them informally, with in-person and virtual options. We are also busy recruiting for an experienced Pastoral Manager to replace Mr Scott-Mullen's current role as he moves up into the Deputy SENDCo position. We will write to you again with further details on that.



    A reminder that when there is anti-social behaviour in the community that causes worry, upset and potentially damage, this is to be reported to the police using 101 and the school can follow up and support with restoring relationships among young people in school where needed.


    Kinship Carers’ Support

    Please see the attached leaflet on support that is available to kinship carers – those such as an aunt, grandparent or cousin who are raising a family member or those raising friend’s child. For detailed information, you can also visit www.kinship.org.uk/advice.


    Community Events

    ‘Light Up Lockleaze’ is taking place on Sunday 1st December, 4pm- 6pm, beginning in Gainsborough Square. There will be a lantern parade, carols and switching on of the Christmas lights.

    Free Scam Awareness Course for parents: Friday 6th December, 1pm- 3pm, Patchway Community Centre. Email Louise to book your place: louise.gillett@southglos.gov.uk

    Ebenezer Church is promoting their Christmas services here: Christmas 2024 — Ebenezer Church


    With best wishes,

    Mel Sweet, Headteacher