06 December 2024 - Letter to parents
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Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope that you have had a great week. Our treat this week was seeing our school show, Peter Pan Jr. Thank you to everyone who came along to celebrate our students’ talents. What a joy it was to watch! Thank you to parents and carers for coming along to our Yr 8 Subject Consultation Evening, too. It is great to work in partnership with you. We have a busy final two weeks coming up, including our rewards trip, lots of clubs and enrichment and our festive lunch, which is next Wednesday.
Key Dates
Year 11 Exams Prep Information Evening – Wednesday 26th March 6.15 – 7.45pm
Wednesday 11 December – Festive Lunch
Parent Subject Consultation Evenings
The dates for these through the year are as follows:
Year 7 Parent Subject Consultation Evening – Thursday 3rd April 3.30 – 7pm
Year 9 Parent Subject Consultation Evening – Thursday 6th March 3.30 – 7pm
Year 11 Parent Subject Consultation Evening – Thursday 13th February 3.30 – 7pm
Please also note the following date:
Year 9 Options Evening – Thursday 27th February 5 – 7pm
To help parents and children decide together which options subjects/GCSEs they might choose to take over the next two years in school.
Last Day of Term
The last day of term this year is Friday 20th December. Children will have morning lessons, time with their tutor group and an assembly before leaving school in staggered timings around lunchtime. Year 11s will leave first, and Year 7s last, by 12.35pm - please note the earlier finish time. Christmas jumpers or own clothes, for those who may not want to wear a Christmas jumper, may be worn on the last day of term.
Events till the End of Term – Key Dates
In the run up to the holidays we have many fun events planned in school. Every day students will be able to play festive games and take part in competitions via Tutor Notices. In addition:
Christmas Lunch- Wednesday 11th
Rewards Trip- Thursday 19th
Own clothes or festive jumpers- Friday 20th (last day)
Teaching and Learning – Reports
Year 8 reports should have been collected by parents at our Parent Subject Consultation Evening yesterday. For anyone unable to make it, we will send the report home.
Year 11 are beginning mocks in earnest next week, although some oral exams and practical subjects have already begun. The year have been supported with assemblies on exam regulations and managing stress, and students all have access to our mental health provision, the Grove, on Fridays. School will open early for Year 11 during mock exam days, with our small hall able to be used for revision from 7:45. Subject teachers will be available for any questions. We are sure that this wraparound approach will help support our students to achieve their potential during mock exams.
Congratulations to the following tutor groups for having the best attendance in each year group this week!
7A2, 8A2, 9W2, 10W2, 11B2
Friday 29th attendance winners were:
7W2, 8A2, 9W2, 10D2, 11D1,
Year 7 – Overall best attending year group
Wisley- Overall best attending House
Punctuality to school is so important. Being late, 5 minutes every day, equates to 3 days of missed learning a year. Here are some tips:
As illnesses can occur more frequently in winter, please do read the NHS guidance around supporting children coming to school: Is my child too ill for school? - NHS
Year 11 Mock Examinations
We wish Year 11 the very best of luck for their mock examinations, which start next week. Please do ensure that they are up bright and early, having had enough sleep the night before, ready to be supported from 7.45am on exam days. They’ve prepared really well, and we are proud of them. These are important examinations for them, with grades from them often used for references to Post-16, so it is really important that they give their best. We are confident that they will do so.
Free School Meals - Reminder
Your child may be eligible for Free School Meals, and we do not want them to miss out.
There are some common myths about Free School Meals:
• Your child does not have to queue or eat separately. Other students will not know that your child receives Free School Meals. You can still give your child a packed lunch if you prefer!
• You do not have to live in social housing to be eligible for Free School Meals.
• You do not need to have been claiming Free School Meals when your child was at primary school.
• It’s not just about food. If a child is registered at our school as in receipt of Free School Meals, then we as a school get additional funding, which means we can offer you discounts on school trips, educational resources, revision materials, extra mentoring and in some cases, uniform, or IT for home learning.
The quickest way to apply for Free School Meals in via the council website: https://www.bristol.gov.uk/schools-learning-early-years/free-school-meals
We can help you to fill in the form if you need it – just email us or phone us: info@orchard.tila.school or 01173772000. We can print and send off forms for you too at school reception.
Alternatively, download the form attached to this email, print and send to:
Free School Meals Service, Bristol City Council (City Hall) PO Box 3399, Bristol, BS1 9NE
We know that lots of parents could claim Free School Meals for their child but have not yet done so. The process of applying using the link above is quick and easy and in most cases, you will get an instant decision.
More information can be found here: https://parent.bristol.gov.uk/web/portal/pages/parents/travel-and-free-schoolmeals
Children and young people often spend their Christmas holidays connected to both friends and strangers through smartphones and online gaming. Although it can provide fun for them and the whole family, this brings risks of cyber bullying, scams and seeing content that is not appropriate for children.
A parent/carer plays a key role in children staying safe online. Any games or gadgets should be checked for safety and appropriate content, while communications and hours spent on them should be monitored for their safeguarding.
Community Events
A Christmas & Winter Guide for Families in Bristol has been published. It includes lots of events and activities for a variety of budgets and some free activities.
Find out about holiday clubs and events over the break happening in your area: Your Holiday Hub Bristol - Your Holiday Hub Bristol
Bristol North Food Bank has different ways of accessing their services, for anyone experiencing food poverty this winter: Get Help | North Bristol & South Glos Foodbank
With best wishes,
Mel Sweet, Headteacher