Attendance & Absence
Attendance Matters
It is essential that children are in school every day on time and with the right uniform and equipment. Attendance directly links with academic progress and achievement, so we monitor it very closely.
Phoning in an absence
If a child is absent for any reason, the parent/carer must email or phone the school absence line on 0117 377 2021. This phone line is a 24 hour answer phone.
Please read our 'Illness and attending school' leaflet to help you decide whether your child is well enough to attend school. The school nurse can be contacted via reception for any health concerns.
Medical and Dental Appointments
Routine medical and dental appointments should be made out of school time. If this is impossible, then it is better for a child to miss the afternoon session than a morning session when more lessons occur.
Students are expected to attend school before and after appointments if they are during the school day.
Requests for Absence in Term Time
Families may request leave in exceptional circumstances.
Orchard School will only consider requests for absence in term time upon receipt of a completed request for absence form that must be returned to school 14 days before the start of the absence.
Holidays during term time are not allowed as a matter of course and cannot be authorised.
We will notify parents/carers of the decision by email. The form can be found by clicking here.
Penalty Notices
For persistent unauthorised absences, we make use of Bristol City Council's penalty notices. The policy states: Penalty notices (£60 fine per child per parent) may be issued when a student has 8 or more unauthorised absences. An authorised absence is for a morning or an afternoon, so 8 unauthorised absences = 4 days' absence.
For more information, please find here the Bristol City Council Education Welfare Service leaflet for Parents and Carers.